I wanted to share with you this pair of waistline control briefs that are still in the manufacturer's packages with the original tags.
Here's the front and back of the package, respectively.

I love the front of that package. She is beautified with her bright red lipstick, and full make-up. She has her hands folded across her chest for modesty, and the best part: a wedding ring on her finger.
Like I said, could be just me, but normally you don't see wedding rings on lingerie models in current catalogs. Love her hair and headband too. Just wonderful.
"Tones, trims, slims...feels like an all day body massage."
(Righteous! I totally want one of those.)
(I added the bold - it rhymes. And, how can secrets be secrets if they are plainly printed on the packaging? Non-Secret 1. fantastic elastic Non-Secret 2. unique contour control! Just saying...)
"This fantastic elastic, a lightweight hi-luster blend designed exclusively for Poirette, has a built-in memory action that gives and returns with your every motion...walking, stretching, bending, breathing." (Note the little illustrated yoga folks on the package breathing, stretching and bending)
"Thanks to Ultratoner, you've never looked (or felt!) so ultra sleek!" " Tones, Trims, Slims!"

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